We support Independent Theater
Zona Indipendente is a network of Italian independent theaters that since 2019 hosts the best show of Rome Fringe Festival.
The goal of this network is to give a concrete opportunity to independent companies to make their own work known throughout Italy.
In fact the best show of the Rome Fringe wins a tour of 12 dates across the Zona Independente theatre network.
This opportunity represents concrete support for independent Italian theater companies.
Zone Indipendente is one of reasons why our Festival represents a crucial aspect of theater making in Italy.
It is an excellent starting point from which to build a network of international exchanges between the Fringers around the world.
Another goal is to create a network of national and international relations involving all members of the large, independent theatre family: theaters, companies, playwrights, actors, and directors, to name just a few.
Zona Indipendente is an active place offering a new way to look at the world through research and free expression
The Zona Indipendente Theaters